The Lord and the Banshee earlybird release.

I’ve got mixed feeling about this update. Normally, a new book is something to celebrate. However, this is not a book I think anyone is looking forward to!

If you’ve been reading the Read by Candlelight series in publishing order, than you’ve already noticed that Cross is… absent…in later books. That he predeceased Pip was not exactly a secret. I knew that I wanted to tell the story of how Cross died at some point, but I thought that it would be a long while in the future. I was not expecting to write this book this year. This book had other plans and here we are!

This was definitely one of the more challenging of the Read by Candlelight books to write. I really hope that it is not as challenging to read! This is the early bird release. The Lord and the Banshee went up on Patreon a few hours ago,  and will be available as an epub on my store until October 30th. Amazon customers, you can preorder it here.

cover of the lord and the banshee gay gothic romance novella


Death is not the worst thing that can happen.

Thomas Cross, Lord of Foxwood, has received a double blow. The discovery of his terminal illness is followed immediately by the news that his longterm partner Pip is marked for death by the banshee of Connaught Castle. There is no cure for Cross’s condition, but there may be a way to save Pip—at the cost of his remaining time.

Recruiting his adopted son Julian to aid him, Cross travels to Ireland to free Pip from the banshee. As each successive encounter with the banshee leaves him closer to death, Cross grows more dependent on a dangerous fairy relic. But the gifts of the fair folk come at a price. What is the cost of Pip’s safety?

The Lord and the Banshee is the thirteenth in the series of Read by Candlelight gothic novellas featuring an ever-decreasing cast of LGBTQIA characters. Pairs well with chocolate and regret. Read now to hate everything.